Signs You Might Need a Root Canal Treatment

There is a misconception that root canal treatment is extremely painful; however, in the majority of cases, people tend to confuse the toothache they already have with the procedure itself.

Before modern dentistry, dental procedures were longer, less gentle, and more invasive. At present, this has changed, and our dentist in Aldergrove will offer you modern dental treatments.

Root canal in West Edmonton is oriented to save a tooth that in the past would have been indicated for extraction; therefore, we should be thankful for a root canal, instead of fearing it. Look no further to find out about the signs that led you to think you might need a root canal near you.

Signs You May Need Root Canal Include:

  1. Toothache that won’t go away – It is a persistent and severe pain that you cannot tolerate; sometimes, not even over-the-counter painkillers can alleviate it. It is the most annoying symptom that you may need root canal therapy.
  2. Dental sensitivity – Sensitive teeth are not always an indicator that you need to undergo a root canal in a dental clinic near you; however, if the sensitivity doesn’t go away, it can be a sign that the pulp of your tooth is infected.
  3. Bleeding or pus area – Pus is a clear sign of infection. If you have a dental abscess, you should visit your dentist as soon as possible to address it.
  4. Sore gums – If your gums are red and irritated, it can be a sign that the infection has spread into the nerve of the tooth.
  5. Abnormalities when chewing – If you feel discomfort or pain when chewing food, maybe you need root canal treatment. Visit a dental professional who will examine you and take x-rays to determine the cause of the problem.

Root Canal Therapy

As we mentioned above, thanks to modern dentistry, dental procedures are now less invasive. A root canal can be pain-free thanks to the local anesthetic. If you are too anxious, you can ask for conscious sedation to be as relaxed as possible during the procedure. 

After your dentist has provided you with numb medication, he or she will remove the damaged tooth structure, along with the pulp inside the tooth. Then, your endodontist will disinfect the canals with an antimicrobial agent, and reshape them so the biocompatible material can fit inside. After the canals are filled, it’s time for the temporary restoration, and you will be ready to go.

The procedure is completed in one appointment; however, you need a second visit to the dental office for the permanent dental crown to be placed. In most cases, there is not enough tooth structure to place a resin composite, since they cannot withstand severe occlusal forces, and the tooth may break.

After the Procedure

The recovery from root canal work is not like a dental extraction. You may resume your daily activities the next day without further issues. Sure, you might feel mild discomfort because some work was done in your tooth, which leads to sensitivity, but it will go away after a couple of days. You may take over-the-counter painkillers if you cannot tolerate the sensation.

It is time that you drop the misbelief of painful root canal treatment. Nowadays, there is no need to suffer when you visit your dentist. The first thing our professionals make sure of is that the patient is comfortable enough to undergo any procedure as smoothly as possible.

If you have any other doubts regarding the root canals, feel free to contact us. We will be happy to assist you.