Everything You Want To Know About Periodontal Treatment

Periodontics is the branch of dentistry that deals with the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of periodontal diseases, such as gingivitis, periodontitis, chronic periodontitis, and other types of gum infections. A periodontist is a specialized dentist who receives an extra 3 years of education beyond dental school to become qualified in preventing or treating all kinds of periodontal diseases. 

If you have been referred to a dentist in West Edmonton for periodontal treatment by your dentist, your mind must be full of questions as to what it might entail! Here, we will walk you through everything you need to know about periodontal treatments.

Types Of Periodontal Diseases

It is not surprising to know that periodontal disease is the primary cause of tooth loss and is associated with other chronic diseases such as diabetes or heart disease.


The normal colour of our gums is pink, which may turn red, become swollen, or start to bleed, indicating the onset of gingivitis. It is a mild form of gum disease that can happen due to poor oral hygiene and can be easily treated with professional dental care and good oral care practices.


When gingivitis is ignored long enough, it turns into periodontitis, a more severe form of the disease. Over time, plaque can enter below the gum line and the toxins produced by the bacteria in plaque start to irritate the gums. In response, the gums recede, forming pockets of infection between themselves and the teeth. With the progression of the disease, the gums recede further, and the infection destroys more bone and tissue that support the teeth. Eventually, the teeth begin to come loose and may have to be extracted. 

Some other forms of periodontitis, according to the severity and associated health conditions, are:

  • Aggressive periodontitis
  • Chronic periodontitis
  • Systemic periodontitis
  • Necrotizing periodontitis

Periodontal Treatments And Procedures

Non-surgical Treatments

When it is felt that the periodontal problem can be reversed without undergoing surgery, periodontists recommend non-surgical treatments, that are also cost-effective. Methods, such as scaling and root planing and tray delivery systems, are popular treatments if you opt for non-surgical periodontal treatments near you. The scaling and root planing procedure entails careful cleaning of the surface of the roots to remove plaque and tartar. The tray delivery system involves dental trays formed out of the patients’ mouth impression being used to deliver medication to the affected gum areas. Both these treatments usually resolve the periodontal issue without requiring further surgery. 

Surgical Treatments 

When a periodontist recommends that you undergo surgery for periodontal treatment in West Edmonton, it means that your condition has crossed the mark that can be resolved with non-surgical treatments. 

Gum graft surgery - Dental roots get exposed due to gum disease and the gums can continue to recede further if not treated. Gum grafts help to cover the exposed roots and to generate gum tissue where absent. 

Regenerative procedure - This includes various treatments, such as bone grafting, tissue regeneration, or application of tissue-stimulating proteins. These procedures rely on your body’s natural capacity to regenerate bone and tissue. It is required when the bone supporting your teeth has been destroyed due to gum disease. The periodontist holds back the gums and removes the bacteria causing the infection, then applying the bone graft or proteins to start the regeneration process.

Laser treatment - Sometimes, your periodontist might choose to use laser therapy to treat your periodontal disease. This treatment provides results similar to the non-invasive procedures like scaling and root planing. Whether the laser used for this treatment causes any harm to the patients is a matter still under research, due to lack of evidence. Your dentist can provide the best advice on the effectiveness and harms of this treatment. 

Prevention Of Periodontal Disease

You can avoid the stress and pain of periodontal disease by following good oral hygiene practices. 

  • Brushing twice a day.
  • Flossing frequently.
  • Rinsing with mouthwash.
  • Avoiding harmful habits like smoking, excessive drinking and an unhealthy diet.

Aldergrove Dental Clinic is your best neighbourhood dental clinic in West Edmonton for all your dental care needs to keep you and your family healthy!