Do You Know If You Need a Root Canal?

Tooth infections are almost entirely preventable by a commitment to good daily dental hygiene habits. You know, the boring basics of brushing, flossing, going to the dentist, and having your teeth cleaned. If you don’t take good care of your teeth, though, tooth decay, cavities, and infections can develop. Even tooth decay, cavities, and infections can be dealt with effectively if treated early, but too many people wait too long to get the dental care they need. As a result, those infections become so severe that having teeth pulled seems like the only solution. 

Enter root canal therapy in West Edmonton Root canals are a painless procedure — yes, you read that correctly — that eliminates serious tooth infections before they threaten your general health while eliminating the need to have teeth pulled. How do you know you may need a root canal, and what should you expect? 

  • If you experience any of the following symptoms, make an appointment with a dentist in West Edmonton to have a professional take a look at what’s going on:
  • If you experience tooth pain, whether it’s sharp and intense, dull and constant, or constantly throbbing
  • If your teeth are extremely sensitive to hot or cold temperatures 
  • If you experience severe pain when you bite down on the tooth
  • If your tooth pain seems to get worse when you lay down
  • If you experience sudden spikes in tooth pain spontaneously 
  • If the pain is so serious that pain medication doesn’t seem to help
  • If you notice any swelling on your gums, inside your mouth, or on the side of your face or neck

If you notice a pimple-like abscess on your gums around your sore tooth. You may notice that the pimple seems to ooze foul-tasting pus before refilling later.

What happens during a root canal?

Root canal treatment in West Edmonton is usually a two-appointment process after your dentist confirms through an examination, tests, and x-rays that you have a serious tooth infection requiring root canal treatment near you. 

First, your dentist will freeze the area to be treated with a local anesthetic to ensure you experience no pain. Local anesthetic is usually applied in two steps: a numbing cream applied to the surface of your gums; and then an injection. If you’re concerned about remaining calm or still during the procedure, ask your dentist about sedation dentistry options.

Second,  your dentist will place a rubber dam that acts as a barrier around the tooth to be treated. That barrier will keep the operating area clean and dry and prevent material released from the tooth during treatment from spreading elsewhere in your mouth. 

Third, your dentist will make a small opening into the top of your tooth. Your dentist will use that opening to access the interior of your tooth to remove all extracted material and to clean the interior of the emptied tooth with a bleach solution to disinfect the root canals. Once the material has been removed, and the interior of the tooth is cleaned, your dentist will seal the tooth using a substance called gutta-percha. 

Fourth, your dentist will place a temporary filling over the tooth. Once you’ve healed from the procedure, your dentist will fit you with a permanent dental crown to completely cover and protect your tooth from re-infection. 

If you’ve been experiencing any symptoms of a serious tooth infection, make an appointment with a dentist in West Edmonton as soon as possible to treat that infection before it spreads beyond your mouth and requires extraction. Root canal therapy near you has a bad reputation, but their highly successful and painless procedures that eliminate serious infections and eliminate the need to have teeth pulled.

Things You Should Know About Dental Implant Recovery

Acquiring a dental implant is a surgical procedure that doesn't involve stress or any complications. Nevertheless, getting the best results depends on what the patient does after the procedure. The healing process often takes time as it can't happen in just one night. It requires patience and heeding your dentist’s post-op instructions to get the best effects. 

Here are things you should expect while recovering from your dental implant.

What Is The Time Frame For Dental Implant Recovery?

Getting a dental implant is an operational procedure. Each patient is unique, and recovery cases are always different from each other, making it hard to predict how long it takes to recover, regardless of some factors that can impact the healing process, and these are.

● The number of teeth removed and inserted

● Where the implants were inserted. Those inserted in the lower jaw bone heal faster than those on the upper part of the teeth.

● In any case, whether the bone transplant was essential or not to complete the surgery 

● The whole part of oral hygiene and the condition of the bone structure plays a significant part in healing quickly.

● It depends on how fast your body recovers.

● Smoking excessively and health habits.

Things To Anticipate For After Dental Implant Surgery

Awakening from anesthesia can take a few hours; then, you'll be able to recover at home. It is normal to experience slight pain in the first few days after the surgery. You will go through a series of symptoms, but you don't have to be scared; they're not complicated. Symptoms include:

● The gums start to bleed for three days at most and stop.

● Areas around the cheeks, mouth, and eyes swell for 2 days. 

● The facial area will not be comfortable.

When you get dental implants near you, your dentist in West Edmonton will provide you with the best pain relief recommendation to reduce any distress. All the distress will reduce in the first two weeks, your mouth will go back into place, and the bleeding will stop.

Eating Habits During Recovery

When you go for a dental implant in West Edmonton, one of the likely recommendations would be to consume soft meals from the first 7-30 days following implant surgery. In a more complicated procedure, it's best to maintain a soft diet for six weeks.

Soft drinks and food required are:

● Smoothies

● Protein shakes 

● Creamy soups 

● Yogurt

● Pureed foods

Waiting For The Implant To Take

Though your symptoms might have gone, the healing process continues. While recovering, your mouth gets cured and melds together with the implant. This process is known as osseointegration and must happen before your permanent dental restoration is placed, this usually takes up to 5-7 months, but it's different in some patients.

Avoid Smoking Or Alcohol After A Dental Implant

If you're the type that smokes or drinks alcohol, there is a great tendency of dental implant failure. Both habits contradict the natural healing process of your mouth and raise the risk of infection. Our dentist near you advises you to avoid alcohol or smoking for a week or more during your recovery.

At Aldergrove Dental Clinic, we aim to help patients achieve their desired flawless smiles. We also provide you with essential tips on how to get your implant done. Contact us today, and you won't regret it.

Tips For A Brighter And Whiter Smile

A lot of people wish for a brighter and whiter smile. But not many know how to achieve extremely bright white teeth. Teeth can easily get stained due to the foods and drinks you consume, smoking can make the natural enamel wear out, and staining occurs due to aging. Inherited characteristics also play a major role in the color of your teeth. Some people are born with thinner enamel which creates a dull or grayish color on the teeth.

There are many ways that patients can easily whiten their smiles. This can be achieved both at home and by visiting a dentist in West Edmonton.

  • Improving your diet: foods and drinks are known to contribute greatly to stains on the teeth and also discolor the teeth. Coffee, red wine, pasta sauce, and other colored foods contribute to the change of color of your teeth after just one meal. If you do not have a strict brushing routine, consider avoiding certain foods that stain your teeth and eat an all-inclusive nutritional diet to maintain good dental health and wellness.
  • Avoid intake of foods and drinks with added sugar: foods and drinks that contain added sugar can cause damage to the mouth. Bad bacteria in the mouth, together with these sugars, produce harmful acids that erode tooth enamel.
  • Brushing and flossing regularly: a poor oral health routine can also contribute to tooth staining. The longer the food in the mouth stays in the teeth, the worse it gets to discolor the teeth. It is important to brush at most twice a day, morning and night before bed. Always remember to floss the teeth by removing any stuck particles within the teeth and use anti-cavity mouthwash.
  • Avoid dry mouth: dry mouth happens when the mouth does not produce enough saliva. The absence of wetness can cause dangerous bacteria to grow and produce acids that fight or damage the teeth. Saliva naturally helps to wash away these bad bacteria and neutral acid, but with your mouth dry, this is not possible. Drink a lot of liquid to avoid dry mouth, and if the problem persists, you should visit Aldergrove Dental Clinic
  • Try a whitening product: in the market, many tooth whitening products work efficiently in whitening the tooth. It is advisable to add whitening toothpaste and mouthwash to your daily teeth-brushing routine. Although this product can not give you a quick result, it can help remove the stains from your teeth gradually for a visibly white smile.
  • Aggressive brushing: brushing your teeth should be done gently and not with force. Some patients make the common mistake of brushing their teeth with force to remove stains and colors from the teeth. Brushing very hard will likely damage the enamel layer. If you continue brushing your teeth forcefully, the enamel will gradually become weak. It can make the teeth have even more stains and cause extra problems like tooth sensitivity.
  • Try an at-home whitening kit: if the whitening toothpaste you purchased is not as effective as you expected, you should consult a dentist in West Edmonton about making

suitable at-home tooth whitening kits that you can use at your house. It can generate a custom impression of your teeth. The patient should apply the whitening gel and put the aligner on for close to 1 hour once a day and continue with that for two weeks for a better result.

Contact Aldergrove Dental Clinic Today

Many factors ranging from age, health problems, or poor oral care can cause teeth stains. You don't have to live with all those problems. Just visit Aldergrove Dental Clinic today for the best teeth whitening services in West Edmonton and get the best teeth whitening near you .

Everything You’d Rather Not Know About Getting Teeth Pulled

For as long as people have had teeth, teeth have been getting pulled. And that’s a very long time. So many teeth have been getting pulled for so long that dentists have gotten very good at it, and the technology for extracting teeth quickly, as painlessly as possible, and with an extremely low risk of complications has come a long way. The very notion of undergoing tooth extractions in Aldergrove is understandably stressful and something most people would rather avoid. You might be surprised to hear it, but dentists agree! Dentists will do and recommend anything possible to avoid extracting a tooth, but there are situations in which extraction is the best and only reasonable option to ensure your health.

Are all tooth extractions the same?

The precise process that your dentist in Aldergrove will follow to pull a tooth depends on whether the tooth to be pulled is intact (or broken) and visible (or still beneath your gums). While the procedure for all tooth extractions near you varies from one to the next, they do fall into two categories: Simple extractions and surgical extractions.

simple extraction is the pulling of a tooth that is visible above your gums and in a single piece. They call it a “simple” extraction because it’s, well, simple (for your dentist). After completely numbing the area around your tooth, your dentist will lift the tooth from and out of its position in your jaw using instruments called elevators and forceps.

Surgical extractions are performed in more complex situations, such as when the tooth broke beneath your gums, has fractured into more than one piece, or is impacted beneath your gums (such as unerupted wisdom teeth). Surgical extractions involve many more steps than simple extractions, including incisions into your gums to expose the roots of teeth and the bone of your jaw; removal of bone and/or gum tissue to enable access to the tooth; sectioning (reducing the tooth into smaller fragments) of the tooth; and extraction. If necessary, your dentist in Aldergrove will close up your gums with self-dissolving stitches and will ensure that a blood clot has developed in the extraction site to ensure infection-free recovery. Your dentist will give you detailed instructions about how to maintain that clot throughout your recovery process to avoid the development of a painful potential complication called dry socket.

How to manage post-extraction discomfort

While the extraction process itself will be pain-free — which is not to say you won’t sense pressure, movement, vibrations, or sounds unless the procedure is performed under sedation — you should anticipate some discomfort during your recovery period. Here are several simple tips to follow to minimize discomfort as you recover while minimizing the risk of developing complications:

  • Use cold compresses and ice to reduce swelling
  • Use over-the-counter pain medications if necessary, but always follow directions
  • Minimize your physical effort and exertion during the recovery period
  • Don’t use straws or spit during recovery; both activities produce suction that can dislodge your clot
  • Don’t smoke or drink alcohol during recovery; both activities delay your body’s normal healing processes. Smoking also produces suction that can dislodge your clot
  • Eat only soft, bland, and lukewarm foods until your dentist advises otherwise. It’ll be boring for a while, but it’s the best way to protect the sensitive tissues around your extraction site during recovery
  • Don’t neglect your oral hygiene during your recovery. Keep brushing and flossing, but avoid your extraction site until your dentist tells you otherwise.

If you ever experience any sensations or symptoms that you did not expect or were not prepared for during your recovery period, get in touch with a dentist near you right away. Getting a tooth pulled is a simple process. By following these instructions, you’ll be able to ease your own natural worries and avoid the development of complications that might make your recovery, well, more complicated.

How Periodontists Treat Gum Disease

This is a classic story of good news and bad news. The bad news is that almost 70% of Canadians will develop periodontal disease — gum disease in the form of gingivitis or periodontitis — during their lifetime. In the form of gingivitis, periodontal disease is easily treated and reversed; it doesn’t need to be a serious medical issue. If it progresses to periodontitis, though, it can result in the destruction of gum tissue and even tooth loss. But there’s good news!

What is the good news? The good news is that there is an entire dental specialization that deals specifically with treating periodontal disease and restoring and protecting the health of your gums. That specialization is called periodonticsIn a way more specialized than a general dentist near you, periodontists use several different treatment methods to address periodontal disease.

If you’ve been diagnosed with gingivitis usually caused by plaque buildup, you may be experiencing: red, tender, and swollen gums; bloody gums while brushing and flossing; a foul taste in your mouth; and persistent bad breath. You can reverse gingivitis by renewing your commitment to daily dental hygiene habits: brushing, flossing, using mouthwash, attending dental checkups twice a year, receiving all recommended dental treatments, and having your teeth cleaned annually (or as directed). If that gingivitis progresses to periodontitis, on the other hand, merely renewing your daily dental hygiene habits will not be enough to restore your gums to good health. At that point, receiving periodontal treatment near you will be essential to restore the integrity and health of your gums and teeth. Here is an introduction to the types of available periodontal treatment in Aldergrove.

Root planing

If you’ve undergone professional teeth cleaning by a dentist in Aldergrove, you’ve experienced root planing to some extent. Root planing is the process of removing tartar (plaque that has hardened onto your teeth and roots) from teeth and the roots of teeth. During teeth cleaning, hygienists remove tartar from below the edge of your gums. Periodontists performing root planing remove tartar and bacteria below the gum line and on the roots of your teeth. Doing so will slow the progression of periodontitis and help the gums that receded from your teeth to re-attach to the roots of your teeth.

Gingival grafts

If progressive periodontal disease has caused your gums to recede significantly, the resulting exposure of your roots can result in significant tooth sensitivity and vulnerability to tooth decay affecting your roots and the further acceleration of periodontal disease. One form of periodontal treatment near you is to relocate tissue from the roof of your mouth, for example, to your gums to restore receded gums and to protect the roots of your teeth. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia.


A gingivectomy is essentially the opposite of a gingival graft and is a procedure conducted using soft tissue lasers. Those soft tissue lasers are used to remove infected gum tissue from your gums. Laser-based treatment offers the advantages of being incredibly precise (meaning that healthy tissue will be preserved and undisturbed) and capable of killing bacteria present in the gums as well. Laser-based treatment also produces little to no bleeding, meaning that the risk of infection and recovery time will be sharply reduced. Gingivectomies are conducted on patients with relatively severe gum disease that has caused significant gum recession.

Crown lengthening

Crown lengthening is a specific application of the gingivectomy treatment method that does more than just eliminate infected gum tissue. Many people who have suffered gum and tooth deterioration as the result of periodontitis have insufficient natural tooth surface to hold a dental crown or filling to repair a cavity. In those situations, using lasers to remove infected gum tissue will simultaneously treat your periodontitis and increase the tooth surface to support a crown or receive a filling. Dental crowns will protect your teeth from infection and damage while replacing any lost structural strength. Fillings will arrest the progress of tooth decay to, hopefully, eliminate the need for a tooth extraction.

Debunking Misconceptions About Veneers

Getting veneers is not painful. Preparing your teeth for veneers and fitting the veneers themselves is a minimally non-invasive process. Most people find the process completely painless, though some people do experience some discomfort associated with the vibrations of removing enamel from their teeth to make room for their veneers. To ensure that you experience no pain or discomfort at any stage in the process, your dentist in West Edmonton will apply a local anesthetic to the area being treated. 

Veneers are not just for your top front teeth. The teeth that most commonly receive veneers are the ones in your “smile zone” — the front teeth in your upper jaw. It’s no mystery why veneers are so commonly placed on those teeth; after all, they’re the most prominent and visible in your mouth. Veneers can be applied to more than just those teeth, though. Veneers can be placed on teeth in your upper or lower jaw — or both — and on your incisors and even your premolars. Those lower teeth and premolars are a lot more visible than you might think. If they’re flawed in any way, placing veneers on those teeth can transform your smile in seemingly subtle but surprisingly impactful ways. 

Does this mean that veneers are appropriate for all teeth? No. Because of the extreme pressures experienced by molars, veneers should not be placed on those teeth at the rear of your mouth. But because those teeth are largely invisible from the outside, you wouldn’t glean much cosmetic benefit from putting veneers on your molars anyway. 

Your whole tooth won’t have to be ground down. To prepare your teeth to receive a traditional porcelain veneer in West Edmonton, a dentist near you will remove a very thin layer of enamel from the front of your tooth to make room for the placement of a veneer without adding any noticeable bulk to the tooth. The structure of your tooth will not be affected by the removal of this veneer which will be done as conservatively as possible.

Because enamel will not grow back, the removal of enamel to accommodate a veneer does mean that, if those veneers are ever removed or damaged for any reason, the teeth will need to be covered with another veneer or dental crown. If you’d prefer to perfect your teeth in a way that does not require the removal of any enamel or any modification to your teeth, ask your dentist about “prepless” veneers. Prepless veneers are much thinner and not appropriate for every situation but offer the benefit of requiring no (or much less) material to be removed from your teeth before they’re put in place.

Veneers look fake and unnatural. Sometimes veneers are described as looking like artificial fingernails but, rest assured, a modern porcelain veneer near you looks nothing like artificial or fake anything once in place on your teeth. Porcelain is an ideal material for crafting veneers because porcelain can be prepared and tinted to blend completely naturally with the color, shine, and texture of your own healthy natural teeth. Porcelain is also highly stain-resistant, which is an important factor to keep in mind. Before your dentist works with you to choose the perfect color for your veneers, your dentist will recommend you have your teeth cleaned first. That way, your veneers will always match your healthy and natural teeth at their very cleanest.

As long as you take care of the teeth beneath your veneers and avoid habits that can expose the veneers to damage — things like chewing your fingernails and hard candy and using your teeth like tools and scissors — your veneers will be indistinguishable from your own healthy teeth.

Are veneers right for you? Arrange an appointment to find out the answer to that question, and just how quickly a porcelain veneer in West Edmonton can transform the shape, width, length, color, and spacing of your own teeth. 


All You Need to Know About Denture Implants

Are you confused about what dentures are? Are you wondering how dentures work? Over the last few years, dentures have been increasingly gaining popularity. Denture implants are a long-lasting solution and an attractive alternative to regular complete or partial dentures. This article focuses on all you need to know about dentures.

 Today, there are many more options to choose from when it comes to a dental solution to replace a tooth. Denture implants are one of the most prominent inventions that the dental industry has seen. One or more replaced teeth connected to the jaw by an implant makes a denture implant. Slightly more expensive than traditional dentures, the benefits of denture implants make the cost worth it.

 If you’re looking for dentures near you, visit a dentist in West Edmonton today.

How do denture implants work? 

The working of denture implants can be explained in three steps. They are: 

1. The initial consultation

A dentist near you will first take an X-ray of your teeth and mouth to make a mold for the models required to make your replacement teeth and place the anchoring locations.

2. Tooth implants

This step of the process will require two surgical procedures. During the first surgery, your dentist will surgically insert the tooth implants into your jawbone. The inserted tooth implants will anchor the replacement teeth. This process allows the implants to fuse with the jawbone, and it takes approximately 3-6 months for the same to be complete. During the second surgical procedure, your dentist will add abutment to your implants to hold the replacement teeth in place. Your dentist will then make another model of your teeth to create the framework to secure your replacement teeth as well as to create the replacement teeth.

3. Insertion 

It is the final step in the process where the dentist will place a metal bar on top of the abutments for you to try out your replacement teeth. It allows your dentist the chance to make any necessary fittings and adjustments right away in the dental clinic. If there is no adjustment to be made, your dentist will secure the artificial teeth in place. 

In the end, the dentist will advise you on the aftercare to safeguard your new denture implants and schedule a follow-up appointment for you to ensure that everything is working like clockwork. 

What are the benefits of denture implants?

There are several benefits to denture implants. You may be skeptical of denture implants because of the cost, but in the longer run, denture implants overpower traditional dentures. Here are some of the major benefits of denture implants should you opt for dentures in West Edmonton.

1.Denture Implants are easy to maintain

The maintenance of denture implants is fairly simple. All you have to do is remove the structure that holds the replacement teeth in place and brush your teeth as normal. Clean the structure with a dentist-approved solution or toothpaste using a soft-bristled brush. 

2.Little or no eating restrictions

When you get denture implants there are very limited restrictions to the kind of food you can consume. There is no concern of the dentures slipping or moving away while you chew your food as it is well fastened in its place. 

3.Aesthetically pleasing

Denture implants are extremely natural looking and are very realistic. You can smile with confidence with denture implants.


Denture implants are more durable than traditional dentures as it is fastened securely in your jawbone. It lasts for over 15-20 years. Hence the extra cost for denture implants is foreseeable. 

To learn more about denture implants, visit a dentist near you today.

Everything You Want To Know About Periodontal Treatment

Periodontics is the branch of dentistry that deals with the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of periodontal diseases, such as gingivitis, periodontitis, chronic periodontitis, and other types of gum infections. A periodontist is a specialized dentist who receives an extra 3 years of education beyond dental school to become qualified in preventing or treating all kinds of periodontal diseases. 

If you have been referred to a dentist in West Edmonton for periodontal treatment by your dentist, your mind must be full of questions as to what it might entail! Here, we will walk you through everything you need to know about periodontal treatments.

Types Of Periodontal Diseases

It is not surprising to know that periodontal disease is the primary cause of tooth loss and is associated with other chronic diseases such as diabetes or heart disease.


The normal colour of our gums is pink, which may turn red, become swollen, or start to bleed, indicating the onset of gingivitis. It is a mild form of gum disease that can happen due to poor oral hygiene and can be easily treated with professional dental care and good oral care practices.


When gingivitis is ignored long enough, it turns into periodontitis, a more severe form of the disease. Over time, plaque can enter below the gum line and the toxins produced by the bacteria in plaque start to irritate the gums. In response, the gums recede, forming pockets of infection between themselves and the teeth. With the progression of the disease, the gums recede further, and the infection destroys more bone and tissue that support the teeth. Eventually, the teeth begin to come loose and may have to be extracted. 

Some other forms of periodontitis, according to the severity and associated health conditions, are:

  • Aggressive periodontitis
  • Chronic periodontitis
  • Systemic periodontitis
  • Necrotizing periodontitis

Periodontal Treatments And Procedures

Non-surgical Treatments

When it is felt that the periodontal problem can be reversed without undergoing surgery, periodontists recommend non-surgical treatments, that are also cost-effective. Methods, such as scaling and root planing and tray delivery systems, are popular treatments if you opt for non-surgical periodontal treatments near you. The scaling and root planing procedure entails careful cleaning of the surface of the roots to remove plaque and tartar. The tray delivery system involves dental trays formed out of the patients’ mouth impression being used to deliver medication to the affected gum areas. Both these treatments usually resolve the periodontal issue without requiring further surgery. 

Surgical Treatments 

When a periodontist recommends that you undergo surgery for periodontal treatment in West Edmonton, it means that your condition has crossed the mark that can be resolved with non-surgical treatments. 

Gum graft surgery - Dental roots get exposed due to gum disease and the gums can continue to recede further if not treated. Gum grafts help to cover the exposed roots and to generate gum tissue where absent. 

Regenerative procedure - This includes various treatments, such as bone grafting, tissue regeneration, or application of tissue-stimulating proteins. These procedures rely on your body’s natural capacity to regenerate bone and tissue. It is required when the bone supporting your teeth has been destroyed due to gum disease. The periodontist holds back the gums and removes the bacteria causing the infection, then applying the bone graft or proteins to start the regeneration process.

Laser treatment - Sometimes, your periodontist might choose to use laser therapy to treat your periodontal disease. This treatment provides results similar to the non-invasive procedures like scaling and root planing. Whether the laser used for this treatment causes any harm to the patients is a matter still under research, due to lack of evidence. Your dentist can provide the best advice on the effectiveness and harms of this treatment. 

Prevention Of Periodontal Disease

You can avoid the stress and pain of periodontal disease by following good oral hygiene practices. 

  • Brushing twice a day.
  • Flossing frequently.
  • Rinsing with mouthwash.
  • Avoiding harmful habits like smoking, excessive drinking and an unhealthy diet.

Aldergrove Dental Clinic is your best neighbourhood dental clinic in West Edmonton for all your dental care needs to keep you and your family healthy!

7 Facts And Tips To Know About Teeth Whitening

Who wouldn’t want to have the perfect set of teeth that elevates your personality and confidence and helps you create a lasting impression in the minds of the people you interact with? Most of us would readily go that extra mile to improve our smiles! With the growing popularity of cosmetic dentistry, more and more people are opting to have their teeth whitened, especially since it is an easy treatment to undergo. Having said that, it is still important to understand the primary facts surrounding teeth discoloration and teeth whitening before you head to a dental clinic near you for this treatment.

7 Facts About Teeth Whitening

  1. The natural color of our teeth is set at birth and depends on genetics. We tend to acquire stains over the years which can be removed with professional teeth whitening procedures.
  2. Teeth tend to get discolored with regular consumption of certain foods that leave stains on the surface of teeth. Examples of such foods are red wine, tea, coffee, and foods containing balsamic vinegar or soy sauce.
  3. Teeth can also get stained under the surface if there are slight cracks on the surface or due to the consumption of certain antibiotics that can have this side effect.
  4. Some unhealthy habits like smoking cigarettes or chewing tobacco can easily darken and discolor teeth which can then only be whitened through professional procedures carried out at a dental clinic in West Edmonton.
  5. The most common ingredient found in teeth-whitening products is hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide. Whitening bleaches contain this ingredient which, when applied, releases oxygen to make the teeth look whiter.
  6. Following regular dental hygiene practices is essential in minimizing the chances of plaque formation. When left unattended for prolonged periods, plaque converts into tartar, which is a hardened mass that also causes teeth discoloration.
  7. In several countries, such as the UK and EU, it is illegal to have your teeth whitened anywhere apart from a professional dental clinic. This law is in place to safeguard people’s health against the damages caused by the harmful effects of having this procedure carried out in the absence of a certified dental practitioner. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you approach a dental clinic providing teeth whitening in West Edmonton to achieve proper results without any threats to your dental health.
  8. The best advice regarding teeth whitening would be to consult a qualified dentist before taking any measures or performing the procedure by yourself with the help of the at-home teeth whitening products available on the market. Why take chances by putting your health in harm’s way to save a few dollars?

However, in case you have decided to carry out the treatment at home for reasons of convenience, please follow these simple tips to minimize the risk you might be putting yourself at.

Important Tips Regarding Teeth Whitening

  1. When going for at-home teeth whitening solutions, select surface whiteners from trusted manufacturers only. Cheaper but unrecognized brands may have higher concentrations of bleaching ingredients that could cause potential teeth sensitivity or tissue damage.
  2. For stains or discoloration that is not just surface-deep, it is best to get customized treatment from a dentist for optimum results. When requested, your dentist providing teeth whitening in Aldergrove will be able to provide you with specific teeth whitening kits with instructions that can safely be used at home. These will work better than those bought off the market as they are customized to your specific needs.
  3. Brushing your teeth twice every day and especially after consuming any foods that can cause decay or stains on your teeth is a healthy habit that cannot be stressed enough. Following proper dental hygiene, especially after undergoing teeth whitening treatment, goes a long way in maintaining the whiteness and shine of your teeth.

For any concerns that you might still have over teeth whitening procedures and options, feel free to reach us at Aldergrove Dental Clinic. 

Top Ten Questions to Ask Your Dentist

Maintaining good oral care is a continuous process. It includes basic care practices like brushing your teeth twice daily, flossing regularly, and visiting a dentist near you at least twice a year. The teeth are prone to decay from the food and liquids we consume. Your teeth act as an aid to facilitate speech and also enhance the appearance of your smile. Therefore, proactively taking care of your teeth is recommended. When you visit a dentist regularly, the dentist can diagnose any dental problem at an early stage, preventing the risk of further damage to the teeth, mouth, and other parts of the body. The dentist can provide you with suitable courses of treatment, options, and solutions that best work for you. 

Like many individuals, when you visit a dentist, you will also have several questions about your oral care and health. So don’t hesitate to ask your dentist questions when you’re at the dentist. Read on to learn more about what to ask your dentist.

What causes pain in the mouth or teeth?

Experiencing pain or discomfort in your teeth or mouth can be a result of tooth decay, damage, or breakage. It could also be an effect of tooth sensitivity. The tooth may also be displaced or unstable. Visit a dentist to ask for the exact reason causing the pain. Knowing the source of pain is necessary to determine the right course of treatment.

What can I do to maintain maximum oral health at home? 

Oral health begins at home. Hence, asking your dentist for a detailed plan to practice oral health care at home is vital. The dental care regime can include instructions such as how many times to brush your teeth, when is the best time to floss, how to clean your tongue, etc. The dentist can provide you with a detailed plan as well as a booklet containing instructions that can help you.

Should I whiten my teeth? 

Discoloration of teeth is common. Food and liquids can cause teeth to lose their color. The use of tobacco also stains the teeth. To correct stained or tinted teeth, whitening your teeth is an option. To know the best-suited and safest whitening procedure for you, ask a dentist near you. 

Do I require any dental procedures? If yes, what do I need? 

If your teeth are misaligned, there are chances that this might affect your bite and cause pain or discomfort. It also affects the appearance of your smile, making you conscious. A dentist near you can determine the severity of the situation and advice you on the best course of treatment suited for you. 

What are the possible dental risks in the future? 

dentist in West Edmonton can discern potential problems in the future. Prevention is better than cure. So make sure to check with your dentist what are the possibilities of future dental risks. This way, you can take precautionary measures well in advance to reduce any risks.

Can dental problems be hereditary? 

Most dental problems are a result of poor lifestyle choices. Sometimes, hereditary is also a cause for dental issues. Dental issues that can be hereditary are; gum diseases, tooth decay, and dance, misaligned teeth, etc. Knowing how genetics affect your dental health is a precaution for both you and your family. 

How does my diet affect my dental health?

The food you eat and the liquids you drink have a direct impact on your mouth, teeth, and overall oral health. If you experience any discomfort or your mouth tends to smell, your dentist can give you advice on what you can change in your diet.

How often must I get to go for dental x-rays and dental examinations?

When you first visit a dentist in West Edmonton, it is normal for the dentist to take dental x-rays of your mouth. Experts recommend having an oral x-ray done once a year. Sometimes, based on the advice of your dentist, you may require to have an x-ray done more than once a year. Depending on the condition of your dental health, your dentist will advise you on regularly you must visit the dental clinic in a year. 

What kind of toothbrush and dental tools should I use? 

Not sure what kind of toothbrush is best for and what other dental products to use to maintain your oral health and hygiene? Your dentist is the best person to ask for advice on cleaning products.

Does your insurance plan cover dental expenses? 

Dental health care can be expensive. When you visit a dentist in West Edmonton, for the first time, make sure you inquire about payment plans at their clinic. If you have insurance, discuss what the plan covers under dental expenses. Next time you’re at a dentist near you, if you have any questions, make sure you ask the dentist. It is your right to know any information regarding your dental health and care.